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Certificate peer learning programme on Psychological First Aid (PFA) in support of children affected by the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine

Enrollment is Closed

Welcome to the peer review platform for the Certificate peer learning programme on Psychological First Aid (PFA) in support of children affected by the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine

Welcome to the C3L LIFT platform for peer review! This platform is being used in partnership the Centre for Change and Complexity in Learning to facilitate the peer review process for our programme.

This platform is for use by participants in the Certificate peer learning programme on Psychological First Aid (PFA) in support of children affected by the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

What is this about?

This programme is a collaboration between The Geneva Learning Foundation and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), funded by the EU’s EU4Health programme.

Learn more about the programme:

Project Description

Your project for this programme is to develop a case study based on your experience supporting children affected by the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. The case study should include:

  1. A detailed description of a specific situation where you provided support to a child
  2. Analysis and reflection on your experience
  3. Application of Psychological First Aid (PFA) principles
  4. Analysis of the effect of the support you provided
  5. Development of an idea for a project to strengthen support for children in your community

Peer Review Process on OpenEdX

The peer review process will take place entirely on this OpenEdX platform. Here are the key steps and deadlines:

1. Draft Project Submission

Deadline: Friday, 5 July 2024, 23:59 CEST

  • Write your case study following the rubric provided
  • Submit your draft project through the designated assignment link on this platform

2. Peer Review

Deadline: Wednesday, 10 July 2024, 23:59 CEST

  • You will be assigned 3 case studies to review
  • Use the provided rubric to assess and provide constructive feedback on each case study
  • Submit your reviews through the peer review interface on this platform

3. Project Revision

Deadline: Monday, 15 July 2024, 23:59 CEST

  • Review the feedback you received from your peers
  • Revise your case study based on the feedback
  • Submit your final revised project through the designated assignment link

Note: It is crucial to meet these deadlines to ensure the smooth progression of the peer learning process. Late submissions may not be accepted.

Support and Resources

Throughout this process, you will have access to:

  • Detailed rubrics and guidelines for writing your case study and conducting peer reviews
  • Daily peer support sessions and “Guides on the side” for additional assistance
  • Technical support for using the peer review platform

If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the programme team or use the support forums on this platform.

We look forward to your participation in this valuable peer learning experience!